Is Golfing While Pregnant Third Trimester Safe – Should You?

Light activities are encouraged by doctors and experts during pregnancy to keep both the mom and baby healthy. So, most experts say that golfing during the first and second trimester of pregnancy is not an issue.

But while you are almost at the end of your pregnancy journey, should you engage in golfing? Golfing while pregnant third trimester raises some questions as you get bigger than before. Also, as the baby’s movement increases, it becomes quite hard to play golf during this period. If you don’t feel comfortable, you shouldn’t continue anymore.

Nonetheless, we have gathered some expert opinions on this. Let’s figure it all out!

Golfing While Pregnant Third Trimester: Wise Or Not?

Golfing While Pregnant Third Trimester

Even on the LPGA Tour, you may find professional women golfers who played through their pregnancies. But during the third trimester, golfing can be quite tricky.

Swinging a golf club, for example, is something that physicians advise against during the third trimester because of the risk of unexpected and powerful movements. Even if you have played golf during your 1st and 2nd trimesters, you will notice a change during the 3rd.

During the third trimester, your body will grow larger and heavier. According to golf coach Trillium Rose, if your swing speed is slower, you could adjust your posture to be more comfortable during this time.

However, putting, swinging, and even picking up the ball may all become uncomfortable. Symptoms such as fluctuations in energy levels, insomnia, and exhaustion are common in the latter trimester of pregnancy. 

During weeks 28-30 of pregnancy, you could feel a little heavier around the middle and see the baby move about more frequently. Often professional golfers adjust their strategy a bit during this time. But it’s wise to put your golf clubs away for a few months because your swing will be different due to your growing belly.

Does The Trimester Matter?

Trimesters do matter, especially when it’s about time to have your baby. As per Trillium Rose, the Director of Instruction at Woodmont Country Club, she faced difficulties playing golf like before during the third trimester.

According to her, she struggled through the first trimester because she had so little energy, was constantly exhausted, and wanted to sleep all the time.

During the second trimester, her extra weight bothered her a bit while playing. Even though she felt more energized, she was still careful not to injure herself by swinging too far.

Rose realized she needed to ease down on the hard activity throughout the third trimester. As she faced difficulties while bending down, it became quite troublesome for her to continue at that point.

Why Is Golfing A Safe Exercise Option For Pregnant Women?

During the first and second trimesters, golfing can be a swift exercise for pregnant women. As the difficulties show up later in the third trimester, this activity can actually be safe for them. Here are the reasons:

  • Gentle During Pregnancy

Golf has a relatively low impact. Thus, it makes it an excellent kind of exercise that pregnant women may enjoy. Golf is easier on the body than harsh sports like tennis or jogging.

Because of this, it’s a great option for pregnant women who want to maintain an active lifestyle without putting too much strain on their joints. 

  • Extended Relaxation

Golf is a great way to relax and unwind. This works magically during pregnancy as it helps the lady deal with all the new hormones and stress. Women may enjoy a tough yet rewarding sport that brings them closer to nature.

Going for a round of golf is a great way to clear your head, relax, and recharge your batteries. Sunlight helps produce vitamin D, which is vital for strong bones and immune system function. 

  • Enhanced Balance & Stability

You’ll have better balance and stability by golfing. This is especially important during pregnancy when hormonal shifts can throw off your equilibrium. When you play golf, you build the core muscles that stabilize your hips and spine. As a result, it improves your balance.

This helps pregnant women because the controlled motions needed to swing the club help with stability and balance. 

  • Build Core Strength

Pregnant women may safely and effectively improve their core muscles by swinging a golf club. It also works the oblique muscles in the core. Back discomfort is typical during pregnancy, but this activity might help alleviate some of the symptoms by enhancing posture. 

  • Flexibility

Pregnancy hormones can make your joints and ligaments more pliable, which makes them more prone to damage. Golf’s swing action keeps the hips and shoulders flexible. Hereby, it lessens the chance of ligament and joint pain.

  • Eliminate Constipation

If you’re a pregnant woman suffering from constipation, you could find that playing golf helps. The game’s emphasis on belly movement might help alleviate constipation. You can benefit from the light exercise of golf as it helps keep your digestive systems working properly.

  • Weight Gain Under Control

While it’s natural to put on a few more pounds while pregnant, it’s not healthy to put on too many. Golf is a great opportunity for pregnant women to be active and control their weight. You won’t need to worry about your diet much this way.

During Pregnancy Tips To Keep Your Baby Safe While Golfing

Although golfing is a minimal exercise that you can do during pregnancy, there are still some concerns to look at. Here are some tips to remember to keep it safe:

  • Putter Suction Cup

While you’re expecting a child, you might want to think about adding a putter suction cup to your golf game. It helps to alleviate back pain caused by repeated bending over. All you need to do is to fasten the cup to the putter handle and use it to elevate the ball. 

  • Stretching

Stretch before you play a round of golf if you’re pregnant. Get your muscles and joints ready for a round by stretching before you tee off. Back pain is frequent among pregnant women, and stretching can help avoid it.

The first trimester is a good time for gentle stretching, but the second trimester is not the time for vigorous stretching. You can do a little warm-up to adjust your body.

  • Swing With Care

Your golf swing will need to be adjusted during pregnancy to match the changes in your body. Muscles and ligaments may become more supple as a result of hormones. You need to use a slower and more controlled swing during this time. 

  • Monitor The Weather

Dehydration is a serious issue that you need to consider during this time. That’s why you need to check the weather before you play so you can avoid heat exhaustion and dehydration. Drink eight to twelve glasses of water daily to be well hydrated.

If you have any sickness, lightheadedness, or nausea, stop what you’re doing and wait for it to pass. Wearing sunscreen, a hat, and loose-fitting clothing can help you stay cool and comfortable when you’re outside.

  • Choose The Right Attire

Playing golf while pregnant requires careful consideration of what to wear. Wear loose-fitting, airy garments crafted from natural fabrics like cotton to avoid overheating. Stay away from synthetics and tight fabrics that might restrict ventilation, such as nylon and spandex. 

  • Don’t Force It

Always listen to your body and play golf at a slower pace. Listen to your gut and rest when you need to. You can get some much-needed relaxation by taking a couple of holes off the course, striking fewer balls, or playing fewer holes in total. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is bending bad in third trimester?

As your baby grows in the womb, you may find it difficult to bend over without experiencing back pain.
Although it is not harmful to the baby, it is recommended that you avoid bending too much during this stage of pregnancy to alleviate back pain.

When should you stop playing when pregnant?

It is advised to withhold from active activities like sports if you have discomfort throughout the second and third trimesters, which last from 13 to 40 weeks.
The likelihood of ligament injury increases during pregnancy due to the ligaments’ increased looseness. 

How long after giving birth can you play golf?

During the six weeks after giving birth, golfers usually get back into their athletic routines. Although hormones and muscles begin to heal faster, it might take weeks or months for a complete recovery. 

Can I golf 4 weeks postpartum?

Pregnant women should avoid impact sports for at least six weeks after giving birth since their muscles and ligaments are still weak. You might think about slowly getting back into golf after six weeks and a pelvic floor exam.


Golfing while pregnant third trimester can be done, but you need to be very careful. This period is a sensitive time for both the mother and baby. That’s why, listen to your body and don’t force anything.

If you can play, make sure to bring snacks to keep yourself energized. It is important to snack periodically throughout pregnancy since symptoms of exhaustion and hunger might be worsened.